Treatment of dizziness and vertigo

Myths and stereotypes about dizziness
Modern therapy of dizziness
  • Effective treatment of dizziness depends on establishing its underlying cause (there are about 80 causes);
  • Isolated vertigo is most often associated with damage to the inner ear, and much less often caused by cerebrovascular disease;
  • Dizziness is not a disease, but a symptom;eliminating the symptom does not solve the problem;
  • Dizziness is often treated without medication.
The most common types of dizziness
  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is treated with special therapeutic repositioning maneuvers, and it can be cured!
  • Vestibular neuronitis;
  • Vertigo / vestibular migraine;
  • Functional / psychogenic dizziness.
Principles of dizziness diagnosis and treatment at SPRAVNO Clinic
  1. We conduct comprehensive diagnosis of dizziness and vertigo of various origins;
  2. Differential diagnosis of dizziness caused by peripheral vestibulopathy (usually benign and curable) and vertigo of central origin (threatening);
  3. We conduct a special vestibulo-neurological examination and a videonystagmography, which are more sensitive methods in diagnosing acute vertigo than magnetic resonance imaging in the first 48 hours of symptom onset;
  4. We evaluate audiometry data and perform otoscopy.
We treat
  • Benign positional vertigo;
  • Vestibular neuronitis;
  • Vestibular migraine;
  • Central vertigo (as a result of stroke, brain injury, multiple sclerosis, etc.);
  • Ménière’s disease (differential diagnosis);
    Functional / psychogenic dizziness;
  • Vestibular paroxysms;
  • Other types of dizziness and neurological diseases.
Methods of dizziness treatment at SPRAVNO Clinic
Life without dizziness exists at SPRAVNO.

Contact the SPRAVNO team, and together we will choose the best path to a pain-free life just for you!

Our doctors
Nazarii Romaniuk
Neurologist, otoneurologist
7 years of experience

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