Physical therapy

About the method

Chronic pain has different sources, different intensities, and different characteristics. To cure the pain in your particular case, you need to make a personal treatment plan.

Physical therapy is a personalized method of pain treatment, which, in combination with other methods, helps the patient to achieve relief and return to an active life, get rid of the fear of movement, restore lost body functions, return work capacity lost due to injuries, previous diseases or surgical interventions.

Whom is the method recommended for?

Patients who undergo rehabilitation after strokes, injuries, surgical interventions, patients who undergo complex therapy of various types of chronic pain, and patients who need constant prevention of recurrence of episodes of chronic pain.

Advantages of the method
  • No contraindications
  • Ability to combine with other methods as part of complex therapy
  • Predicted effect, positive holistic impact on the body
  • An opportunity to feel like an active participant in the recovery process
The three main benefits of physical therapy at the SPRAVNO clinic
  1.  TRULY individually selected programs

  2. Sign up for a consultation to receive an individual recovery program and forget about pain – it’s real, and you should take a step towards it today!

  3. TRULY experienced specialists with extensive experience in physical rehabilitation A TRULY holistic approach that combines techniques to get you relief as soon as possible 

Sign up for a consultation to receive an individual recovery program and forget about pain – it’s real, and you should take a step towards it today!

Our doctors
Svitlana Chebotaryova
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation physicians
5 years of experience

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Stop the pain! There is a solution. Book an appointment now and say goodbye to your pain.

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