A multidisciplinary consultation, a "second opinion"

Our method

Every person suffering from chronic pain is special. Help in each case begins with an individual approach and a precise choice of specific methods that will help a particular patient overcome pain as quickly as possible and produce long-lasting relief.

In complex cases that require dedicated solutions, we use the format of a multidisciplinary case conference.

Joint examination of the problem by a team of experienced experts constitutes a guarantee that the adopted solution will be effective, and the developed treatment plan will be the best.

What specialists are involved in case conferences at SPRAVNO Clinic?
  • Vadym Biloshitsky – a lead neurosurgeon, algologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences;
  • Neurologist;
  • Anesthesiologist;
  • Physical medicine and rehabilitation physician,physical therapist;
  • Psychotherapist;
  • Doctors of other specialties as needed.

Depending on the patient’s condition and medical history, we can involve orthopedic doctors, rheumatologists, gynaecologists, urologists, gastroenterologists, etc.

When you contact SPRAVNO Clinic, you receive truly comprehensive care according to modern world standards.

Benefits for our patients
  • Saving time and effort: all necessary expert-level consultations in one clinic;
  • The doctors’ opinions regarding your problem are coordinated, consistent, and the treatment plan is free from contradictions;
  • The treatment process is accompanied by doctors of various specialties, whose regard for your problem is deep and versatile.
The solution to the problem of pain must be found quickly!

At SPRAVNO, it is possible thanks to a professional team united by a common professional outlook. Don’t waste your time – save your energy, trust our experts!

Our doctors
Vadym Biloshytsky
Neurosurgeon, algologist
32 years of experience
Maryna Biloshytska
Neurologist, algologist
6 years of experience
Katerina Kostyukova
Pediatric neurologist, psychotherapist
21 years of experience
Nazarii Romaniuk
Neurologist, otoneurologist
7 years of experience
Ruslan Sedletskyi
Anesthesiologist, algologist
12 years of experience
Inna Buvailo
Neurologist, algologist
23 years of experience
Maksym Pylypenko
Anesthesiologist, PhD
27 years of experience
Oleksand Verzlov
Specialist in therapeutic massage
23 years of experience
Svitlana Chebotaryova
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation physicians
5 years of experience
Natalia Bondarenko
Therapist, endocrinologist
24 years of experience

Book an appointment

Stop the pain! There is a solution. Book an appointment now and say goodbye to your pain.

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